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Welcome to FlexyFit, Dallas’ only private by-appointment only training facility for all things flexibility, fitness and aerial! If you want to improve your health and wellness in a fun and challenging way, then you came to the right place. I love coaching aerialists and aspiring aerialists, and specialize in working with: 

  • Absolute Beginners 
  • Plus Size Aerialists
  • Aerialists of Color
  • Pole & Aerial Competitors
  • Instructor Mentorship
If you haven’t figured it out already, yes I am a coach for everyBODY! My mission is to provide the support, expertise and training to help you reach your aerial, flexibility and fitness goals while [re]discovering who you are and becoming the best version of you that you can be. 
As a coach, my goal is to give my clients all of the things I didn’t have and didn’t know I even needed when I started my journey. I major in smart training that helps you achieve success while avoiding injury, plateau and burnout.

Hi, I’m Ashley!


FLEXYFIT is more than just a hashtag. It’s a better way of improving your mind and body while creating the life you want. My journey to regain flexibility and fitness in my body forced me to reevaluate EVERYTHING in my life. I realized how my self-care impacted the rest of my life. Everything changed for the better once I regained control of ME. Now I use the principles of flexibility and fitness to help others master their wellness and create the life and body they truly desire.


FLEXYFIT is more than just a hashtag. It’s a better way of improving your mind and body while creating the life you want. My journey to regain flexibility and fitness in my body forced me to reevaluate EVERYTHING in my life. I realized how my self-care impacted the rest of my life. Everything changed for the better once I regained control of ME. Now I use the principles of flexibility and fitness to help others master their wellness and create the life and body they truly desire.
Got Goals?!? Flexibility, Fitness, Pole, matter the goal, I am here to help! Together we'll overcome the challenges that typically interfere with our goals, leaving you free to reach your goals, live your best life and become the happiest version of yourself. We focus on the areas that help make the biggest impact in our lives: Flexibility | Fitness | Active Recovery | Self-Care | Mental Management | Body Awareness | Harmony

Coach & Aerialist

Got Goals?!? Flexibility, Fitness, Pole, Aerial…no matter the goal, I am here to help! Together we’ll overcome the challenges that typically interfere with our goals, leaving you free to reach your goals, live your best life and become the happiest version of yourself. We focus on the areas that help make the biggest impact in our lives: Flexibility | Fitness | Active Recovery | Self-Care | Mental Management | Body Awareness | Harmony
I’m a business creative turned aerialist that enjoys hanging out at the creative intersection of my two passions. When I’m not dangling in the air or coaching, you can find me helping small and startup businesses in the beauty and wellness arena with their design, branding and marketing needs. If you need help planning and creating then let’s talk! I can help with copywriting, ebook and course creation, media kits, promotional graphics, social media planning and more!

Business Creative

I’m a business creative turned aerialist that enjoys hanging out at the creative intersection of my two passions. When I’m not dangling in the air or coaching, you can find me helping small and startup businesses in the beauty and wellness arena with their design, branding and marketing needs. If you need help planning and creating then let’s talk! I can help with copywriting, ebook and course creation, media kits, promotional graphics, social media planning and more!